Changes to

2 months ago
Initial commit
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+ #
+ Website generated from prompt: a site about microscopes. all the different kinds and a historical timeline of the smallest things that could be seen. links to where to buy. links to communities of micrscope users
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+ MicroVision - Exploring the Microscopic World

Discover the Invisible World


Types of Microscopes


Optical Microscopes


Traditional light microscopes using visible light and lenses.

  • Compound
  • +
  • Stereo
  • +
  • Digital
  • +

    Electron Microscopes


    Using electron beams for ultra-high magnification.

    • TEM
    • +
    • SEM
    • +
    • STEM
    • +

      Scanning Probe


      Modern microscopes using physical probes.

      • AFM
      • +
      • STM
      • +
      • SNOM
      • +

        Discovery Timeline

        First cell observed by Robert Hooke
        Bacteria discovered by van Leeuwenhoek
        First electron microscope
        Scanning tunneling microscope invented
        Individual atoms imaged in 3D

        Where to Buy






            Join the Community






            Follow Us

            Changed around line 1
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